Wednesday, 17 April 2013

[ROM][UPDATE]Zelly Cream v2.5 - True Xperia Z Jelly Bean ROM

Default [ROM][UPDATE]Zelly Cream v2.5 - True Xperia Z Jelly Bean ROM [19/03/13]

After successful developement of X-TOOLS, LockScreen Style app and Smart Settings (which has already become very popular), Gagan Singhproudly presenting you the fastest and most beautiful rom ever for the entire 2011 Xperia HDPI devices (Xperia Arc, Arc S, Neo, Neo V, Pro and Ray) (locked/unlocked BL).

--==Zelly Cream ROM==--
Inspired from Xperia Z Jelly Bean
perfected by gagan.u20

Voted as the "Best ICS ROM" by most of the rom users

ROM is now updated to Zelly Cream v2.5
If you guys really like my work then want to donate me then PM me with your PayPal address along with the donation amount. It will really appreciate me in further devlopment.
ROM powered by AROMA Installer. 
* Feedbacks from Zelly Cream v2.0 users

rawat.jagat says "OMG, I Just can't believe its my xperia neo V, It seems to me like I am using a Quad core device with 2 gb ram. Truely Gagan hats off to you man for your tremendous hard work , its really a jaw dropping update 
I am not gonna sleep tonight will enjoy my revived neo v whole night  

rahulsai2341 says " neo v is flying..I can't believe it..Awesome Job gagan...The best part is your boost my Xperia...It rocks.."

Myke72 says "The wait was worth it. Couldn´t sleep last night. Always look at the OP to get the update! Keep it up. Great job."

jvalberca says "The new update is working fine, it's so good.No lag, the smoothness is appreciable and no FC's in my Neo V. Thanks for your time!!"

DjDexter5GHz says "This 2.0 update rocks! Especially multitasking mode on boost my xperia! Now this rom has same perfomances as Ultimate HD but much more functions!"

yasasflash says "Any one looking for a blazing fast rom. 
zelly cream 2.0 is the one you need. Fantabulous dude. great job. you just made my arc s brand new "

Xtrifer says "Thanks man, its spectacular, just awesome, everything so fast and smooth,gaming mode really boost your games and multitasking makes everything really fluid, thank bro!!"

Shubham87 says "Gagan.u20, I've to say.. this has to be the best rom I've used till date! Amazing battery life & awesome gaming performance!
Yesterday I was playing FRONTLINE COMMANDO.. I used your BOOST MY XPERIA: GAMING MODE.. And I didnt get a single lag while playing..! The best experience of all times!
Thanks a lot mate!"

and loads of more.... 

* Feedback from all the satisfied users

bojantanasic says "Superb rom, fast , stable and HD games friendly 
Dead trigger working like a charm without OC. Thanks gagan"

bojantanasic says "So battery friendly, 1% for 4h with xkernel V9.587c"

Retrosid says "Pretty neat stuff! I'm glad I see more people still work on making our phones better and posting fresh ROMs."

chauhanjayc says "man you really rocks you started with small project and now you are here. its a great Honor having you kind of developer for our device ROM"

TheF3nix says "Rom is working good. Everything work fine."

rod555 says "big job!! THX!!"

janmae says "awesome.....this is what i'm waiting for such a long time...a rom with complete addons like center clock,home rotation,soft button & etc."
brammy83 says "very nice, smooth rom!! Thanks!"

FAdrums says "Currently using it with Vengeance Kernel. Running smooth. Also installed Thilinac's latest Z Walkman and it works fine."

Yovecio says "Hi, i've tested the rom and i can say that is beautifull, stable and fast..."

yeubacgiang says "great rom, thanks for your hard work"

bojantanasic says "After this rom I don't need Xperia Z. Thanks gagan you save me 600 $"

devilcry77 says "Omg..the best so far! just installed it and I am speechless."

sjakie swart says "I just 'upgraded' from the Xperia Ice Cream Pureness 14.1 ROM to this ROM by following the exact installation instructions for Locked BL. And it worked like a charm. Now my phone is settling down after my first start with Zelly Cream v1.2.0. In half an hour i will install v1.2.3 via CWM and i'm ready to fly. So far so good! Tanks gagan.u20"

blackhawk1 says "Amazing Rom, beautiful, best battery life I have seen. Using with vengenge kernel"

rexhyd says "I am using this rom since y'day and it is very good.Speed and Battery are remarkable.Hats off"

sinkingsoul says "ROM is really smooth. Decent amount of Free RAM. Marginal increase in battery compared to my previous ROM."

TSOGLANI says "Second day on rom with suave Kernel everything smooth and fine"

janmae says "all working fine so far...bluetooth,wifi,walkman,sound enhancements,clear phase.....didnt find any bug yet"

ankurvij says "Great work Boss!!!!! Loved ur ROM, featured packed ,Killer performance backed by your dedication. Awesome combination. And before I could test and report, already updated with a patch ... FAST AND FURIOUS"

singh_21 says "Its been 4th days of testing this ROM , big up to "gagan.u20"  excellent work , very professional. I Found nothing to criticize, Its Fast its stable . Everything is presented in a professional manner.
Great work
Highly appreciated"

koradiavatsal says "The rom just rocks! Best ics rom out der! Games running smooth, battery life is awesome and boost my xperia is cherry on the cake . A must try rom! Very nice... Eagerly waiting for next update gagan!" 

And so many other satisfied users...  
Want more feedbacks?? Here it is --

For those who want to know AnTuTu Benchmark results (thanks to bojantanasic and Shubham87), here it is :P

For those who want to know battery backup on this rom, here it is 
(Battery test result by NorwayFun having arcknight 3.5.1 with arcknight II governor and SIO, thanks for this awesome info. )

* About Zelly Cream ROM

As we all know that ICS update from Sony is very laggy and we are not going to have Jelly Bean for our devices  I tried to customize the stock ICS ROM to have the latest Jelly Bean features on our devices.  I managed all the things in this ROM to have a beautiful UI without sacrificing the speed and battery life. This rom is a stock ICS .431/.587 based custom ROM, for our 2011 HDPI Xperia devices, which is heavily customized to look like the upcoming Xperia Z. The base framework of ROM is highly customized to have an awesome GUI, services of this ROM are supercharged to make it super-fast ROM for gaming and multitasking experience and several tweaks extends the backup of phone. Since this rom looks like Xperia Z (to some extent) and has several Jelly Bean and ICS features and apps, thus I named it as Zelly Cream ROM. This rom has best of my Smart SettingsLockScreen Style app and my latest feature Boost My Xperia™. So forget those laggy ICS days, install my ROM, sit back and fly high with your phone.
* Information
Now-a-days there are several roms available for our Xperia 2011 devices having several great features, so what I did else?? Well I've all those features that are available in all the custom roms but I did really some great work to make this rom different from others. This rom has some uniqe features exclusively made by me to distinguish this rom from others. Here are some unique features of my rom but I suggest you to try my rom once and see the difference, you will really love it. 
* ROM Features
  • ROM based on ICS .431/.587
  • Highly customized rom by AROMA installer.
  • Super fast, super stable and great battery life without sacrificing UI.
  • 100% bloatware free ROM.
  • CWM ready and pre-rooted ROM.
  • Latest Super User binaries.
  • Init.d support.
  • Magnification glass ported
  • Download music info for both locked/unlocked BL (v2.5+)
  • 360 degree rotation added
  • Skip track by volume keys
  • Kill app by back button
  • Extended power menu
  • Added hosts list to block ads.
  • SuperCharged services with Time Killer Killer mod.
  • Butterly smooth interface (try and experince by yourself).
  • Latest Adreno libs.
  • Latest Xperia T Jelly Bean messaging app with dual UI.
  • Latest Xperia T Jelly Bean keyboard.
  • Latest Xperia T Jelly Bean notes apps and walkman widget.
  • Latest Xperia T Jelly Bean media apps.
  • Latest Xperia T Jelly Bean media libs for better video and sound quality.
  • Latest Cyber-shot mod
  • Xperia T Jelly Bean small apps.
  • WiFi-Direct port(partially) by me.
  • Dual lockscreen support (JB and NXT lockscreen).
  • Jelly Bean lockscreen (slightly modded by me to suit my rom).
  • Jelly Bean easteregg (shows rom name).
  • Jelly Bean Google Play and GMail app.
  • Xperia Z themed framework for awesome user interface.
  • Xperia Z styled SystemUI with centered clock.
  • Xperia Z default themes by me.
  • Xperia Z default wallpapers by me.
  • Latest LockScreen Style™ app exclusively by me. 
  • RAM tweaks to get 100-120 mb free RAM always (for great multitasking).
  • New Boost My Xperia™ feature to boost your rom to play HD games exclusively by me. 
  • And many more, explore by yourself 
* Aroma Features
  • Device selection
  • Launcher selection [Xperia GX | Xperia Launcher | Xperia Jelly Bean]
  • Bootloader selection [Xperia T Jelly Bean | Nexus]
  • Font selection [Jelly Bean | Xperia S | Stock]
  • Ringtone selection [Zelly Cream | Stock]
  • Root app [Super User | SuperSU]

Additional features in Aroma (install if required)
  • Root Browser Lite
  • Titanium Backup
  • Task Killer
  • Facebook Integration
  • Social Engine Core
  • Sony Timescape
  • Live wallpaper support

Walkman and xLoud Fix
LED Notification fix

Zelly Mod by sandy7 Say thanks to him 

Screenshots are at POST #2
Download link and instructions are at POST #3
FAQs and Credits are at POST #4

My work:
Smart Settings with LockScreen Style | **WiFi Direct**
Boost My Xperia™ | Awesome Animations (for GB, ICS & JB)

Getting error while DONATING me?? Just PM me with your PayPal address along with your donation amount.

Will be back in few days.....
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(Last edited by gagan.u20; 19th March 2013 at 06:31 PM.)
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* Screenshots of Zelly Cream v2.0+

Latest Cyber-shot mod

This version has latest Cyber-shot mod with superior auto feature that lets you capture more bright and sharp images with in-built HDR mode. Also with this new Cyber-shot and updated libs, you can now record HD videos with better video quality in stereo audio.

Latest Walkman from Xperia Z with VRTheme and new surround sound libs (modded by me) with Walkman Small App 

This is the latest version of Walkman of Xperia Z which is first modded by ThilinaC and then re-modded by me. Now you can change your audio settings with just one click. XLoud is also fixed and you will get high audio (more than previous). Now you can also change track, pause song or change volume setting through new Walkman small app. 

More new and re-sizable Xperia Z widgets 

With v2.5, you can install more widgets if you want. I added an option in aroma to add more widgets on the users' requests.

New Xperia Z Calculator and better RAM management 

Now you will have latest calculator app from Xperia Z. Also this version has better RAM management with few more free RAM.

All new Xperia Z themed framework with Magnification Glass port 

Now you can enjoy Aeon's Magnification Glass port in Zelly Cream v2.0+ (The first custom rom for 2011 devices with magnification glass port). You can see magnification class in editable mode, i.e. when you are writing/editing some text and by selecing text. The Xperia Z base framework is updated to v1.1 to deliver better performance. Also, new toggle button's background color change when you enable/disable them. 
Boost My Xperia™ v2.0 

Boost My Xperia™ v2.0 is exclusively developed by me to boost my v2.0 rom. This new app comes with a beautiful UI and a handy widget. There are three profiles to boost your device i.e. GamingMultitasking and default.
Gaming mode is suitable for game lovers. If you like to play HD games in your device then first enable Gaming mode and then start playing your games without lags.
Multitasking mode is for those wo love to try and have installed several apps in their device. This mode lets you to switch between several apps in a quick and more responsive way.
Default mode sets the default setting of device.
Also there is a Quick Boost feature which kills some useless background apps and make some more free RAM. You can boost your device either from the app or from a beautiful widget.
Caution: Boosting your device may cause some apps to close unexpectedly. You may see some FCs of apps in Gaming mode. So enable Gaming Mode only when you want to play games.

New JB Lockscreen. 

The all new JB lockscreen from Xperia Z Jelly Bean ROM. This JB lockscreen is modded and some new icons are added to make it more beautiful.

Small App bug fixed with some more small apps. 

Small app bug fixed and new Xperia T JB task manager is added in v2.0. Also there are some more small apps are available in v2.0.

New Jelly Bean transparent conversation app (requested by some users). 

Now you will have an option to choose between white themed JB conversation app and transparent (new) JB conversation app.

For complete changelog, read next post. 
* Screenshots of base ROM

Xperia Z themed framework, wallpapers and themes

With new framework, you will have a beautiful UI and a feel of Xperia Z. This framework is fully transparent, it means there are no more black screens in background of app. Further, when you have enabled navigation bar you can enjoy the full screen games in landscape mode, nav bars appear only in portrait mode. Again, there are beautiful Xperia Z wallpapers and all new Xperia Z themes exclusively made by me.

Jelly Bean Media Apps, JB media libs and fixed SoundEnhancement, NXT style Infinite view

Enjoy latest Walkman, Movies and Album app from Xperia T Jelly Bean ROM. Also ROM has latest Jelly Bean media libs that produces great audio and video quality. Walkman FC reduced from 80 to 20 (out of 100). Also it has fixed SoundEnhancement layout with enabled nav bar and also NXT style infinite view. Enjoy more loud, clear and crisp audio quality with latest Walkman and JB media libs.

Dual Lockscreen support (AOSP and Jelly Bean lockscreen)

With Zelly Cream ROM you can switch between JB styled AOSP style lockscreen (large album art) and Jelly Bean lockscreen. This new Jelly Bean lockscreen app is a little bit modded by me to suit my rom. Use my LockScreen Style app from my smart settings menu to switch between these two lockscreens.

Great RAM Management

ROM is highly tweaked to get better RAM usage. Services are supercharged and for better multitasking and Time Killer Killer mod increases free RAM. This rom is suitable for gaming and heavy multitasking. (Temple Run 2 runs very smooth with zero lag, tested by me and will upload a video in few days). With better RAM management you will always get 100-120 mb free ram.

Xperia Z JB themed SystemUI

The new Jelly Bean status bar is themed to look like Xperia Z SystemUI. This new SystemUI has tabs with holo style toggle buttons.

Xperia T Jelly Bean messaging app

The new white themed Jelly Bean messaging app is added in this ROM. This new app has a dual UI. you can send message to a person while visiting incoming app. Goto settings and check "Dual Panel UI".

All new Smart Settings

The latest version of my Smart Settings is ported in this rom. This all new settings has WiFi-Direct port (originally ported by me but it is still a partial port), latest LockScreen Style switcher app and my new Boost My Xperia™ app. With Boost My Xperia™ app you can boost memory to play HD games. Also there is JB easteregg that show the ROM name.

Caution: Use Boost My Xperia™ to boost your phone only when you want to do heavy multitasking or play HD games otherwise it may cause a bit more RAM usages.


My work:
Smart Settings with LockScreen Style | **WiFi Direct**
Boost My Xperia™ | Awesome Animations (for GB, ICS & JB)

Getting error while DONATING me?? Just PM me with your PayPal address along with your donation amount.

Will be back in few days.....
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(Last edited by gagan.u20; 19th March 2013 at 06:31 PM.)
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* Changelog

Zelly Cream v2.5 (18/03/13) - Consumer Update

* Build no. Zelly Cream v2.5.2
* Single flashable zip. 
Working Download Music Info for both Locked/Unlocked BL. (works only when you select BL in Aroma) Thanks to jerrytan93
* New apps and options in AROMA.
* New Walkman from Xperia Z with VRTheme support (modded by me). 
* New Walkman small app. 
* New SystemUI with fixed data toggle button and blurred icons.
* New ALSA libs from Xperia Z for better sound audio quality.
* New GPU libs to maximize gaming and movie experience.
* New libs for better HD video recording.
* Latest Cyber-shot v7.1.2.
* Latest/Updated Google Play Store with updated Google Play services core.
* Latest QuickPic.
* Latest mirror small app.
* Latest Xperia Z calculator.
* Re-niced services.jar
* Modded Xperia Z lockscreen to hide Zelly Cream ROM text after 5 unlocks.
* Added my latest Smart-Settings mod.
* Added my Max Brightness mod into the rom.
* Added VPN support.
* Added Email app with exchange service support.
* Added more new widgets for widget lovers. 
* Added Jelly Bean bean fly on tapping android version under settings to give more JB feel.
* Added hosts list to block ads.
* Fixed 2G/3G mode on restart. Thanks to trojan01
* Fixed Walkman and XLoud, now sound will reduce a bit (because of Sound Enhancement.apk)
* Improved WiFi.
* More free memory is available.
* Transparent conversation app from Xperia Z Jelly Bean ROM.
* Maintained battery life with better graphics.
* Tried to fix all the previous bugs
* Tried to fulfill all the users' requests and suggestions. 

Zelly Cream v2.0 (25/02/13)

* Updated Xperia Z themed framework v1.10
* Magnification Glass port.
* Project Butter port.
* Latest Boost My Xperia™ v2.0
* New JB lockscreen with new icons.
* New JB transparent lockscreen (added in Aroma)
* Optimized JB bootanimation for HDPI devices.
* New JB small app task manager with some new small apps.
* Performance tweaks added (you can feel the smoothness)
* Battery tweaks added (get some more backup)
* SD tweaks added (faster read/write access)
* Small app bug fixed.
* HDMI bug fixed.
* New addons.

Zelly Cream v1.2.3 (17/02/13) (after few hours of first release. )

OTA Support added
More optimized Boost My Xperia™ app (v1.2)
Fixed FC on location based wifi.

Zelly Cream v1.2.0 (17/02/13)
Official release with features mentioned above.

Zelly Cream v1.0
Initial release (not released)

* Download Link

Download Zelly Cream v2.5 - Full ROM
Follow the download instructions to install full ROM.

Download Zelly Cream v2.0 - Update ROM
Follow the download instructions to install updates.

Download Zelly Cream v1.2.3 - OTA UPDATE
Download and install OTA UPDATE (if you already installed full rom) from CWM, you don't need to clear/format anything, just install it. 

Download Zelly Cream v1.2.0 - FULL ROM
Follow the download instructions to install full rom.

*** Hot update (21/02/13) *** (OPTIONAL) 

Xperia Z Walkman app - Thanks to ThilinaC (I took his two parts of

work, modded to suit my rom and the compiled into a single apk)
Xperia Z JB keyboard smiley fix - Thanks to toshi_imsa and 

 for fixing keyboard Smiley

*** Download Zelly Cream hot update ***
* Add Ons requested by some users

Jelly Bean full Album app
Social Engine Core (if you want picasa and fb picture integration)

JB Weather Widget (working now)
Stock Email app
New Xperia Z style SystemUI (full HDPI, no more blurred icons)
Settings with CPU Control

*****MAX Brightness Mod by gagan.u20 (request by several Zelly Cream Lovers)***** (No wiping is required)
Note: Maximizing brightness may lower down battery backup, so if you have installed this mod then don't ask me for fast battery drain reasons and don't post bad results about battery backup. If you want to go back to stock brightness level then install this and choose Stock Brightness level. 
* Installation instructions

Installation instruction for Zelly Cream v2.0 updated ROM
If you are already on Zelly Cream ROM then follow the instructions to install Zelly Cream v2.0 updated ROM otherwise first install the Full ROM following the instructions from the next post and the install the updated ROM otherwise you may get bootloop.

Steps to install Zelly Cream v2.0 updated ROM.
1. Make sure you are on Zelly Cream ROM (otherwise you will get bootloop)
2. Download Zelly Cream v2.0 and copy it to SD card.
3. Reboot into CWM.
4. Wipe cache and wipe dalvic cache (necessary to wipe to adopt changes from new files)
5. Install Zelly Cream v2.0 from SD.
6. Follow the instructions in Aroma to install ROM.
7. After completing installation, just leave "Reboot Device" unchecked and click next.
8. Now reboot your device from CWM.
9. Now when your device will boot with new updates, just leave your phone for atleast 20-30 minutes so that rom can settle down itself.
10. Now when the rom settles down, goto settings->developement-> make sure that "Force GPU rendering" is checked, otherwise check it by yourself. (this is required to completely implement Project Butter)
11. Now reboot you device and you are now ready to play with updated ROM. 

Congrats!! You have successfully installed Zelly Cream v2.0
Installation instruction for Zelly Cream FULL ROM (Base ROM and v2.5)

Before installing this rom, make sure you have a complete nandroid backup and you have performed all the necessary steps, otherwise you may get bootloop. I will not be responsible for any kind of damage or loss to your phone, do this at your own risk. Read carefully and follow the steps to install the rom.

* Locked BL

1. Reboot to cwm.
2. Wipe data/factory reset.
3. Wipe cache partition.
4. Wipe dalvic cache under advanced menu.
5. Wipe battery stats under advanced menu.
6. Format data under mount and storage menu.
7. Format system under mount and storage menu.
8. Format cache under mount and storage menu.
9. Install zip from sd card.
10. Follow the steps in aroma installer to install the rom.
11. Uncheck "Reboot device" after installation completed and click on next to go back to CWM.
12. Now reboot your phone.

* Unlocked BL

1. First flash stock .587 ftf file for your device to avoid bootloop. (below is the link)
2. Install your desired kernel. (see list of recommended kernels.)
3. Reboot to cwm.
4. Wipe data/factory reset.
5. Wipe cache partition.
6. Wipe dalvic cache under advanced menu.
7. Wipe battery stats under advanced menu.
8. Format data under mount and storage menu.
9. Format system under mount and storage menu.
10. Format cache under mount and storage menu.
11. Install zip from sd card.
12. Follow the steps in aroma installer to install the rom.
13. Uncheck "Reboot device" after installation completed and click on next to go back to CWM.
12. Now reboot your phone.

Note: After installation, first boot may take several minutes (to create cache, dalvic cache etc.) to start your device. Leave your device for 20-30 minutes to settle down the rom. Also at first boot you may notice a high ram usages (less free ram). It is natural because android system occupy a lot of memory while settling down the new rom. After 30-40 minutes reboot your device and you are now ready to fly with your newly installed rom. [/center]

* Stock FTF files for Unlocked Bootloader users

Mark the "Exclude FOTA" and "Exclude TA" before flashing.

Arc S FTF file (also for ARC users)
Neo V FTF file (also for Neo users)
Pro FTF file
Ray FTF file
* Recommended Kernels for your device.

First of all, thanks to Jaffa_79 for testing my ROM with various kernels and helping me to prepare a list of all supporting kernels. 

* Rush Kernel for ARC/S! Most recommended by Jaffa_79 as keeps SIM Pin. Thanks to TheGreatSega for Rush Kernel.
Download Rush Kernel
Download WiFi modules for Rush Kernel

* Vengeance Kernel for Arc/S/Pro. Thanks to Rachit Rawat for Veangeance Kernel.
Download Vengeance Kernel
Download WiFi modules for Vengeance Kernel

* Doomlord Advanced Stock Kernel for ARC/S. Thanks to DooMLoRD.
Download Advanced Stock Kernel
Download WiFi modules for Advanced Stock Kernel

* Suave Kernel for NEO/V Thanks to shardul_seth.
Link to Suave Kernel thread to download latest Suave Kernel and its WiFi modules

* xKernel for RAY. Thanks to sirkay.
Link to Suave Kernel thread to download latest xKernel and its WiFi modules

If you have experienced great performance with great battery life with another kernel then tell me, I'll add a link to that kernel in OP. 
* Help & Support

This is my hard work of several days. I spent several hours to mod most of the files of the rom to make it the most beautiful ROM while keeping the RAM management in mind. Further, I've originally developed few apps for my rom like LockScreen Style™, Smart Settings mod(that have already become very popular and), default themes and Boost My Xperia™ app. So if you appreciate my work and want to support me, you can buy a cup of coffee for me by donating few $, after all this rom is developed by a school going guy. 

Donate a few $ through your paypal account 
* Banners

You can also show your support by using my ROM banners or you can create new banners for me. 
Just copy your desired banner code and paste into your signature. 

HTML Code:
HTML Code:
HTML Code:
HTML Code:

My work:
Smart Settings with LockScreen Style | **WiFi Direct**
Boost My Xperia™ | Awesome Animations (for GB, ICS & JB)

Getting error while DONATING me?? Just PM me with your PayPal address along with your donation amount.

Will be back in few days.....
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(Last edited by gagan.u20; 5th April 2013 at 09:02 PM.)
gagan.u20's Avatar
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* FAQs

Q- Why ROM size is too high?
A- I added several applications and features so that you can customize the rom at the installation time. Choose the features that you want in your phone and Aroma will install those for you. After installation you will get 70+ mb free space.

Q- I got bootloop when I installed your rom. What should I do now?
A- Read and follow installation steps carefully to avoid bootloop.

Q- I successfully installed the rom but why did it took a long time to boot device?
A- After installing any rom Android settles down the ROM and create various files (cache, dalvic-cache etc) on the device so that apps can run on your device. It is natural and happens with all the ROMs, even with stock rom. I suggest you to leave your phone for 20-30 mints to completely settle down the ROM.

Q- I find less free RAM after first boot. Why?
A- After first boot ROM occupies a big portion of RAM to settle down itself and apps. So after 30-40 minutes of first boot restart your device and you will get a fast and smooth ROM.

Q- What do I need to do heavy multi-tasking and play HD games?
A- You don't need to do anything special, the ROM does all itself. This ROM comes with supercharged services that lets you do heavy multi-tasking. You may notice a bit less free RAM just because of supercharged services but you will not have any lag. Further there is a Time Killer killer mod that automatically kills background apps when they are no longer needed to make some more free RAM.

Q- How can I switch between dual lock screens on my device?
A- By default you are on Jelly Bean lock screen. You can go to settings->Zelly Cream settings and click LockScreen Style™. Click on AOSP style lockscreen and you will have JB styled AOSP lockscreen.

Q- I tried to change my lockscreen to AOSP but I am still on JB lockscreen. What should I do?
  1. A- Goto /system/app from root file manager, find and backup UxpNxtLockScreen.apk to SD card, reboot your device. Now you will have AOSP style lockscreen.Now copy UxpNxtLockScreen.apk from your SD card, paste it to /system/app and set right permissions (rw--r--r). OpenLockScreen Style™ from settings and now you can switch between these two lockscreens.

Q- What does Boost My Xperia™ do?
A- This is my exclusive work for my Zelly Cream ROM. It is like a task manager but a bit more than that. Boost My Xperia™ is developed by me to reduce lags, kill unnecessary background apps and make some more free RAM. So if you want to play HD games or feel lag just click onBoost My Xperia™ to boost your device.
Caution: Boost My Xperia™ does system-level tasks, so use it only when you feel lag, want to do heavy multi-tasking or to play HD games. Don't use it all the time otherwise you may notice a bit more RAM usages and thus less free RAM.

Q- When I check ClearPhase™ and go back and come again it is still unchecked. Why?
A- This generally happens of a few devices (not all). So if this happens with you, download and install latest Walkman mod from here and replace SemcMusic.apk, SemcMusicVisualizer.apk, MusicWidget.apk and SoundEnhancement.apk from my rom setup.

Q- When I play any song, sound automatically reduces after 3-5 seconds. Why?
A- Its just because of new SoundEnhancement.apk. Since this JB Walkman is already very loud, follow my recommended settings to have more louder song. First enable kill app by back button mod from settings under developement menu. Now open sound settings, tick XLoud and untick ClearPhase. Now open walkman app and play any song. After 5 secs you may notice reduced sound. Now open sound enhancements and long press back button. You will notice a popup that application killed and louder sound. Now again open sound enhancements and tick clearphase. Now you will have the loudest Walkman ever.

Q- I liked your ROM and your exclusive work very much. How can I support your for further developement?
A- First of all thanks for using my rom. I spent several days to made this rom super fast and butterly smooth with a beautiful user interface without sacrificing the battery life. This hard work is done buy a school going guy. So if you want to support a yound and growing developer then you can buy a cup of coffee for me buy donating a few $ to me. You can also use my ROM banners in your signatures to spread my work and aware others about this fast and beautiful ROM.

* Credits:

Sony for ICS update.
AROMA Installer.
DoomLord for Xperia T Jelly Bean system dump.
AeonWorld for NXT lockscreensmall apps and Infinite view.
georgeiulian89 for Xperia T Jelly Bean small apps.
Rizal Lovins for Cyber-shot mod.
Samak46 for Xperia T bootanimation.
georgeiulian89 for latest adreno libs.
pranav110089 for great Sony Walkman engine.
jerrytan93 for fixed Sound Enhancement layout.
pranav110089 for JB lockscreen and Tpao for compressed JB lockscreen (a little bit more compressed and modified by me).
Erhany for modded Xperia Z JB Conversations.apk (with dual UI ).
DdcCabuslay for Xperia Z themed framework base (highly modified by me for best look).
Danis Ariandi for some pngskill app back button and help in Aroma installation.
Serajr for GX HomeJB styled SystemUI and SystemUIPreferences.
ThilinaC for Xperia JB Home, JB Notes and JB widgets.
ra3al for Xperia Launcher.
Till Kurpse for modded Xperia Z styled SystemUI (a little bit more modified by me).
zeppelinrox for V6SuperCharged and Time Killer Killer mod.
krabappel2548 for JB media apps.
gregbradley for JB keyboard.
alaminip for Zelly Cream Banner.
auni for permissions to make DefaultThemes.

If someone left then don't get angry, just PM me and I'll give you credits for your work.