Wednesday, 21 May 2014

[ROM] [KK] [ Neo/V ] VanirAOSP [official] [nightlies] [4.4.2] [ hallon/haida ]

[ROM] [KK] [ Neo/V ] VanirAOSP [official] [nightlies] [4.4.2] [ hallon/haida ]

Welcome to VanirAOSP.
Our mission is to deliver a clean optimized version of Android with subtly improved versions of the features you love to as many devices as possible. we've tried to incorporate and improve our features in a way that makes them more cohesive to improve the overall user experience while correcting any performance regressions and improving functionality..

What to expect:
- This is not a McCopy ROM. What goes into our build is well thought-out and not a bunch of stuff duck taped together because we could.
- maximum optimization. We do our research. We test hard. We build -fstrict -O3 globally and include a massive array of code optimizations and memory leak fixes that we write ourselves and eventually submit to AOSP or Linaro.
- originality in our source. We generate a lot of new commits being features or general code improvements. We are open source to share and improve the community but we also try to make sure we offer a unique experience.
- aesthetics.. hopefully in your opinion :P


Status Bar
- Quick Setting including numerous customizations
- Customize clock display and location, customize signal bar
- % displayed in battery + circle mod
- Transparency

Navigation Bar
- Customizable buttons + colors
- Customizable height + width
- Navi Ring
- Transparency

- Fully customizable targets/rotation/widgets/ and more
- Transparency

General Tweaks
- Ad blocking
- PIE: with extended options
- Tablet UI Chooser
- DPI/LCD changer + force tablet settings mode
- Theme Chooser: Including inverted theme
- Galaxy Nexus Parts
- ADB over network
- Bravia Engine 2.0
- Custom Carrier text
- Custom backlight
- Expanded Desktop: with different modes
- Extended Power menu
- A-GPS. - Kang PrimeDirective –> Credit happily1986
- Long press back to kill (in developer options)

Application Tweaks
- Selectable Gtalk
- Expanded Phone: noise reduction, advanced settings, speaker proximity
- Expanded MMS including Quick Emoji
- Camera: Enhanced settings (credit CM)
- Functional Sound Recorder
- Koush’s Superuser
- Vanir Keyboard – removed tracking/logging – highly optimized

Performance Manager
- Processor governor + speed
- Voltage control
- I/o Scheduler
- Disable boot animation
- Enhance recent menu

- Beats Audio – Cherry picked from several sources, but chiefly NexusLouderV6B5
- Quiet Hours
- DSP Manager included (Credit CM)
- Volume wake / rocker music controld
- Rewritten Speaker proximity designed for Commotio/Vanir

- All inclusive ~180 MB –> 60 MB of Bloat removed
- Fully featured LatinIME Keyboard, but only 2.2 MB (normally 16-20 MB), removed tracking/logging
- And soo much more

Join our Google+ community for news/updates
Nightly downloads are available on our google+ page or directly from our server
if you're interested in becoming a maintainer.. or just need help please email me. i'll reply as soon as i can.

Donate to @PrimeDirective
Please help me continue developing, or simply just toss me some change for a coffee


The Vanir Team: NuclearMistake, DHO, PrimeDirective, SonicXML
@mikeioannina _for LX_
@rebelos _for helping_
@stopa46 for header image
ANYONE who has contributed to the ROM.. sorry if I forgot anyone!

XDA:DevDB Information
[ROM] [KK] [ Neo/V ] VanirAOSP [official] [nightlies] [4.4.2] [ hallon/haida ], a ROM for the Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo

3andalarebelos, rebelos
ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x

Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Beta Version: 4.4.2

Created 2014-03-19
Last Updated 2014-03-25
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