Monday, 3 December 2012

[KERNEL][NEO] The Alliance kernel mod for ICS (V1.5) and CM9 (128)

Default [KERNEL][NEO] The Alliance kernel mod for ICS (V1.5) and CM9 (128)

I make kernel for ICS used SemcDooMLoRDFreeXperia sources. (Very Big thx him)

Features kernel v1.5 and CM9:
Added overclock to 1.6 GHz
Enabled swap support
Added Governors: brazilianwax, interactiveX, lagfree, minman, SavagedZen, smartass2, Smartass, SuperBad, OndemandX, Hyper, Scary, Intellidemand.
Added I/O Scheduler: BFQ, Sio
Added fully working two way call recording
Increased VM max readahead to 1024kb
Enabled NLS_UTF8
Added support USB-OTG (Keyboard + Mouse + USB-Storage) [Only Full Version]
Enabled TUN/TAP the driver [Only Full and All CM Version]
Enabled EXT2, EXT3, EXT4
Enabled NTFS, CDROM (ISO9660) [Only Full Version]
Added TinyRCU and set it as default
Added SLQB Memory Allocation and set it as default [Only on stock Kernel]
Added Recovery
Added SD-EXT support
userinit support
Default I/O Scheduler: SIO
Default governor: ondemand
Added Zram support.
Added Wi-Fi modules to ramdisk and script for modules autoinstall. [Only on stock Kernel]
Added patch for 0% battery.
Add to Lowmemory killer calculating swap.
Added script for control /system/vendor partition for correct work on Neo and Neo V.
Added FXP path to increase memory. [Only on stock Kernel]

Download kernel v1.5:

Download kernel v1.4:
Litedownload [Sony Logo]
Lite Logodownload [From ThilinaC Logo]
Fulldownload [Sony Logo]
Full Logodownload [From ThilinaC Logo]

Download kernel for CM9:
Lite (128): download
Full (128): download

About script for control "/system/vendor": (Very big tnx to igogold)
Partition appslog (/system/vendor on MT15) mounted to "/v_mtd".
If "/v_mtd" small 100mb, then his automounted to /data/idd (Neo V). (On CM9 not mounted)
If "/v_mtd" large 100mb, then check:
1) Having any sub-directory on "/system/vendor" directory.
2) Having file "/system/etc/dalvik-move"
If some check true, script think this ROM modded: removed sub-directory ("app", "etc", "firmware", "lib", "pittpatt") on "/v_mtd" and mounted dalvik-cache to this parted. (This give more memory on "/data" partition).
If this check false, script mounted /system/vendor. (For correct working on stock ROM, on CM9 version not mounted)

Update Stock Kernel to v1.5: Update source to 587.

Update CM9 kernel source to 128 release.
Update Stock Kernel to v1.4: on NeoV vendor partition no more used. Added path to memory from FXP (give 20mb ram) (Big Tnx him), update kernel source to 4.1.M.0.4, Overclock down to 1.6Ghz max.

Added kernel for CM9 based on FXP127 source.

V1.1: Added script for control /system/vendor partition for correct work on Neo and Neo V.

V1.0: Update source to 4.1.B.431, back bootlogo to Sony.
In very lite version removed Governors: brazilianwax, InteractiveX, lagfree, minmax, SavagedZen, smartass2, Smartass, SuperBad, OndemandX, Hyper.

RC5 full, lite: some RC4, new bootlogo (Tnx ThilinaC) and added support cgroups in lite kernel config.

RC4 lite: update ramdisk to 4.1.B.0.431, some debug function removed from config, changed recovery to DoomLord from ARC.

Public RC3 version.
Update source to 4.1.H.0.4
Added Governors: Intellidemand, SuperBad, OndemandX, Hyper.
Set default IO Scheduler: SIO
Small changes in lowmemory killer for more stable working zram.
Used recovery from XNeo Kernel. (Touch screen not working in recovery)

03.04.2012: Public Full and Lite RC2 version. Updated recovery to 5.5: now work usb mount in recovery.

27.03.2012: Public for all Lite RC1 version.

P.S: Sorry to my bad english 

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