Monday, 3 December 2012

[ROM][Arc/S, Neo/V, Pro and Ray][587]_Smart Xperia™ROM JB/ICS_[12/3][Wow, UPDATED !!]

Smile [ROM][Arc/S, Neo/V, Pro and Ray][587]_Smart Xperia™ROM JB/ICS_[12/3][Wow, UPDATED !!]


Danis Ariandi proudly present you a new custom ROM with compilation between JB and Xperia T looked

for Arc, Arc S, Neo, Neo V, Pro and Ray with unlocked and locked bootloaders




You must read first before you follow my procedure. BACKUP FIRST AND You make sure careful to install this and follow the instruction first !!


Smart Xperia™ ROM JB/ ICS is the compilation between JB and ICS that it rebased from ICS 4.1.B.0.587 with Xperia T firmware ( 7.0.A.3.195 ), Xperia Tablet S firmware and Xperia AX firmware ( 9.0.G.0.238 ) also it has got Android version is 4.2 and build number SX.02.2.A.3.174. This ROM is compared as Jelly Bean 4.2. Because, I included Google Now apps, Jelly Bean looks status bar, and JB adreno libs. So, I included 2012 Sony's new media applications, lots of Xperia S/T Apps, Xperia T Home launcher, Xperia GX home, and then I modded framework-res like NXT and visual mods for each Xperia apps too. I included Timescape and Facebook integration in AROMA also I put some init.d tweaks and additional apps too. This ROM is separated to 2 parts. Part I is a main ROM which I put modded framework-res.apk ( no small apps and nxt lockscreen port ) into this. while Part II is included modded framework-res ( small apps and nxt lockscreen port ). In fact, this ROM is fast, smooth, and stable. I modified some tweaks that it will be efficient like RAM management is being perfect calculation, new fixes are being included by me, Scrolling looks smooth like silk as well, and better tweaks. one more, I tried to implement porting clear audio+, new sound enhancement, and Xloud. but, Xloud has been conflicted on speaker so I'll fix again. I think this ROM is worked on unlocked bootloaders and locked bootloaders although it was separated as 2 parts. GOOD LUCK TO FLASH THEM !!

  1. Rebased from Sony fw ICS 4.1.B.0.587 with Xperia T, AX, and Tablet S firmware should be integrated with fabulous AROMA installer
  2. Supported for 2011 Xperia HDPI devices ( Arc, Arc S, Neo, Neo V, Pro and Ray )
  3. Supported for Unlocked and Locked Bootloaders
  4. Works 100 % in unlocked and locked bootloader when installed with full wipe ( part I ) and wipe dalvik cache only ( part II )
  5. Android version 4.2 ( as Jelly Bean )
  6. Build version is SX.02.1.L.4.287
  7. Bloatware ripped and some apps has been included in AROMA in the rest
  8. System memory up to 366 MB
  9. Deodexed all framework files
  10. Latest Busybox version and current Superuser app
  11. SuperSU included in AROMA
  12. free space of RAM is 180 MB ( normal condition ) and 144 MB ( data restored condition )
  13. NXT Lockscreen with shortcut settings
  14. Location Based Wi-Fi
  15. NXT Looks framework-res
  16. Accent color blue on SemcGenericUxpRes
  17. New icons and interfaces for each apps redesigned by me
  18. Modded SEMCSetupWizard with AX looks
  19. Xperia T Home launcher and Xperia GX Home w/Preferences ( in AROMA )
  20. Latest 2011 Sony's media apps ( Walkman, Album and Movies ) from AX dump
  21. New Sound Enhancements and Bravia Engine 2 mod
  22. Lots of Xperia S/ T apps are being optimized
  23. init.d fix permission has been done
  24. Xperia Tablet S style Xperia Keyboard
  25. Xperia T Jelly Bean style status bar ( small apps port )
  26. Lots of small apps being included in main ROM
  27. Included RAM, Renderer, System, Zipalign and Speed tweaks are being included in AROMA
  28. added Skyfall Theme, Ringtones and Wallpapers
  29. JB Adreno libs
  30. Cybershot app
  31. Rebuild ICS preferences layout for each apps by me



Build - SX.02.2.A.3.174
  1. Build number SX.02.2.A.3.174
  2. Fixed some issues for each apps
  3. Xperia GX Home fixed
  4. Added Quick Panel Settings
  5. LED Notification fix
  6. Latest version of Google Play Store
  7. Latest version of Cybershot Experiences mod
  8. Latest version of Superuser and SuperSU



  1. xLOUD conflicts with new SE when on Speaker when used new Sound Enhancement( Fix later )


What do I need to install this ROM ?
  1. One of supported devices
  2. stock firmware ICS .587
  3. Unlocked bootloader ( recommended to use testpoint method ) and locked bootloader
  4. Baseband 77
  5. Flashtool
  6. SD Card
  7. CWM Recovery
  8. Thinking brain



for ARC and ARC S
  1. Adv. Stock Kernel 587
  2. KTG Kernel 587
  3. ArcKnight 4 Kernel
  4. Lupus V8 Kernel
  5. Rush Kernel

for NEO and NEO V
  1. Alliance Kernel

for PRO
  1. Lupus V8 Pro
  2. Riyal based Kernel
  3. StockPlus Kernel

for RAY
  1. Sirkay's XKernel
  2. AdvancedToccoGrigio


Obviously, make sure you have rooted, stock kernel .587 and CWM installed on locked BL


Only Arc ( LT15 ) users and Neo ( MT15 ) user, follow this to increase system partition

  1. for Arc ( LT15 ) users, download Arc S LT18 .587 ftf below, flash it via flashtool with exclude kernel.sin and simlock.ta
  2. for Neo ( MT15 ), download Neo V MT11 .587 ftf below, flash it via flashtool with exclude kernel.sin and simlock.ta


Arc ( LT15 ) users
  1. for Arc ( LT15 ) users, download Arc S LT18 .587 ftf below, flash it via flashtool ( system, userdata, and kernel )
  2. after booting, flash Arc S 562 kernel via flashtool
  3. Root via Doomlord's ICS Xperia 2011 Rooting toolkit
  4. after rooting complete, flash Arc S ftf .587 kernel again

Neo ( MT15 ) users
  1. for Neo ( LT15 ) users, download Neo V MT11 .587 ftf below, flash it via flashtool ( system, userdata, and kernel )
  2. after booting, flash Neo V 562 kernel via flashtool
  3. Root via Doomlord's ICS Xperia 2011 Rooting toolkit
  4. after rooting complete, flash Neo V ftf .587 kernel again

for Ray, Pro, Arc S, and Neo V users skip this steps

  1. Download this ROM ( part I and part II ) in download link below and copy both into SD Card
  2. flash one of recommended kernel via fastboot
  3. Reboot into CWM
  4. Select Factory Reset/ Wipe data ( wipe data > yes )
  5. Select Mount and storage and Format system ( format system > yes )
  6. Wipe cache partition ( wipe cache partition > yes )
  7. Select Advance and wipe dalvik cache ( wipe dalvik cache > yes )
  8. and then wipe battery stats ( wipe battery stats > yes )
  9. Select install zip from SD card and find 'Smart Xperia ROM part I. then, Install it
  10. follow anything option in AROMA
  11. Select Install and wait for 2-3 minutes
  12. after installation completed, Reboot your device
  13. after booting successfuly, go into Settings > Security and tick unknown source
  14. reboot into CWM again and install 'Smart Xperia ROM part II'( before this wipe dalvik cache first )
  15. Reboot again and enjoy my ROM

  1. Download this ROM ( part I and part II ) in download link below and copy both into SD Card
  2. install CWM via Xparts or Xrecovery
  3. Reboot into CWM
  4. Select Factory Reset/ Wipe data ( wipe data > yes )
  5. Select Mount and storage and Format system ( format system > yes )
  6. Wipe cache partition ( wipe cache partition > yes )
  7. Select Advance and wipe dalvik cache ( wipe dalvik cache > yes )
  8. and then wipe battery stats ( wipe battery stats > yes )
  9. Select install zip from SD card and find 'Smart Xperia ROM part I. then, Install it
  10. follow anything option in AROMA
  11. for locked bootloaders, select 'Xperia CWM Installer' in AROMA if CWM lost after installation completed
  12. Select Install and wait for 2-3 minutes
  13. after installation completed, Reboot your device
  14. after booting successfuly, go into Settings > Security and tick unknown source
  15. install CWM via 'CWM Installer' that you select 'Xperia CWM Installer' in AROMA during installation or you may install CWM via XRecovery
  16. reboot into CWM again and install 'Smart Xperia ROM part II'( before this wipe dalvik cache first )
  17. Reboot again and enjoy my ROM


Why did some Xperia devices like normal Arc and normal Neo must be flashed by Arc S and Neo V ftf before installing this ROM ?

Because, This ROM has a used memory of system partition is 360 MB or 370 MB. So, you should flash arc S ftf into normal arc if you use normal arc and you should flash neo V into normal neo if you use normal neo. In case. It will give you 420 MB of data memory and 419 MB of system memory for both.

What would I do, If I got a battery drain or lag ?

Change kernel that I recommended in above

I want to use Location Based Wi-Fi, Where is a Location Based Wi-Fi ?

In Settings > Wireless and Networks > More > Location Based Wi-Fi

Why did I flash part II after flash part I ?

Because, If you flashed part II, You would get Xperia T Lockscreen and Small App such as Xperia T 


ORIGINAL FRAMEWORK-RES ZIP ( If you get stuck at boot ( bootloop )
Download link - HERE !!

  1. Download this and copy this.
  2. If you got stuck at boot ( bootloop ), go into CWM and flash it via CWM
  3. If you want to wipe dalvik, wipe dalvik cache if you need.

Xperia GX Home flashable zip ( if you got issues when you selected Xperia GX launcher )

First, delete HomePreferences.apk via root explorer, clear data and flash it via CWM


  1. Download this and copy this.
  2. go into CWM then wipe dalvik cache first
  3. install this and reboot

I will update this later on...














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