CyanogenMod is a free, community built distribution of Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean) which greatly extends the capabilities of your phone.
#include /* * Your warranty is now void. * * I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, * thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please * do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM * before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if * you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you. * * Submitting bug reports on nightly builds is the leading * cause of male impotence. */
This An Alpha Preview Based On CM10.1 CyanogenMod with FXP Sources
Is not intend for daily usage yet due to there's bug for using it
As i mention on a post earlier
"I work on this for "free" as well spending all times,electricity & my precious data bandwidth that exhausted already
As far all the community of Xperia Arc/Neo should have know that i doesn't own a Xperia Arc(Mogami Device) anymore for testing
Don't give your ridiculous comment,i don't need it here,if you want to help,may submit bugfixes/no eta's/donating for me(Get Arc Back/Upgrading my old litle pc for faster work)
Report Using Proper Method"
Is not intend for daily usage yet due to there's bug for using it
As i mention on a post earlier
"I work on this for "free" as well spending all times,electricity & my precious data bandwidth that exhausted already
As far all the community of Xperia Arc/Neo should have know that i doesn't own a Xperia Arc(Mogami Device) anymore for testing
Don't give your ridiculous comment,i don't need it here,if you want to help,may submit bugfixes/no eta's/donating for me(Get Arc Back/Upgrading my old litle pc for faster work)
Report Using Proper Method"
- Booting
- Touchscreen
- Wifi
- Ril 2g & 3g
- Accelerometer
- Sensor
- Audio
- Headphones
- Superuser
- Apps & Games
- Led?
- Hardware Keys
- Root & Superuser
- USB Connection
- Mass Storage (Sdcard)
- Others
Not Working:
- Bluetooth
- Camera(inverted)
- Anymore? Please Report(Don't own a Mogami Msm7X30 Device anymore
First time installing CyanogenMod 10.1 to Neo another ROM:
- Make sure you're running bootloaders unlocked
-Flash the Boot.img provided (Don't flash other boot.img because is different)
"Remember to flash this kernel Instead the one in the rom "
- Copy GApps and CM10.1 ZIPs to your internal SDCard
- Boot into Recovery
- Flash CM10.1 zip from internal SDCard
- Flash GApps zip from internal SDCard
- DO A DATA WIPE / FACTORY RESET (otherwise your device will be stuck at boot)
- Reboot
- Don't restore system data using Titanium Backup!
- Restoring Apps + Data might cause problems and is not recommended, avoid it if possible!
FXP : Source
CM Team : CM10.1
Szl.Kiev : Alpha 1 Rom Parts & Build
For Anyone Who Use/Kang do give proper credits
If i missed anything just tell me
Github :*
Helping Out?
submit bugfixes/no eta's/donating for me(Get Arc Back/Upgrading my old litle pc for faster work)
where is the download link?